Last Entries

Uriah Kriegel,  A Hesitant Defense of Introspection 2013. 
Uriah Kriegel, The functional role of consciousness: A phenomenological approach 2004. 
Peter Stockwell, The Metaphorics of Literary Reading2000. 
Renata Gambino, Grazia Pulvirenti,  Imagination as Poetics of Cognition 2013. 
Marco Caracciolo, Patterns of cognitive dissonance in readers’ engagement with characters 2013. 
Gabriela Tucan, Cognitive Poetics: Blending Narrative Mental Spaces. Self-Construal and Identity in Short Literary F 2013. 
Margaret H. Freeman, The poem as complex blend: conceptual mappings of metaphor in Sylvia Plath’s ‘The Applicant’ 2005.