Neuro Humanities Studies

ENID Teach – NOOC Collaborative and Research Methodology

 19th November – 19th December 2023

The NewHums Research Centre kindly invites everyone to join the NOOC Collaborative and Research Methodology. 


What is this NOOC

This course (NOOC) is part of the training proposal by the project Erasmus+, “European network in D-flexible teaching (ENID-Teach)”, PROJECT NUMBER – 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027551, KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education, coordinated by UNED – Spain. The main goal of the project is to provide digital training to university lecturers about specific teaching and research methodologies, which can be used and improved introducing digital tools and environments.

This course, produced by University of Catania, introduces participants to the Collaborative and Research Methodology and how digital tools can improve the teaching practice. The course will present the theory of collaborative teaching and research as based on three main theoretical pillars: constructivism, distributed cognition and computer supported collaborative learning. It will also introduce some digital tools to be used to enrich the teaching practice.

More Info

The course is free of charge and is addressed specifically to university lectures.

An active participation in the NOOC

Cognitive Futures 2024 @ University of Catania

Deadline: 15th January 2024

10 years Cognitive Futures in The Arts and Humanities

From 4E to 5E Cognition: about Emotions

June 3-5, 2024 – Aesthetic Emotions

10 years ago the series of Cognitive Future conferences started in Bangor, moved to Durham, Oxford, Stony Brook, Kent, Mainz and was held online (instead of in Osnabrück) during pandemic emergency. The war prevented its taking place in St. Petersburg. This year it took place in Warsaw; in 2024 it will be Catania – with a ten-year anniversary.The focus will be on the latest epistemic paradigm of 4E Cognition and

International May 2022 – Oltre il politicamente corretto




PRIN 2017 “Strategie più efficaci per il politicamente corretto. Un modello Retorico/Pragmatico della situazione di discorso totale”

The NewHums Research Centre is glad to announce following International Guests:








-May 26, 2022 (italian time) 11.00 -  Monastero dei Benedettini – Sala Rettangolare ID ZOOM: 917 6088 8939

Rodrigo Borba (Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro)

“Injourious signs: countering hate with hope in contemporary Brazil.”

- May 30  2022 it-h 16.00 – Monastero dei Benedettini – Aula 254 – ID ZOOM: 995 6688 2995

Jonatan Culpeper (Lancaster University)

“Activity types as a pragmatic approach to discourse”

- May 31 2022 it-h 10.00 – Monastero dei Benedettini – Aula 254 ID ZOOM: 934 6971 3850

Elena Semino (Lancaster University)

“Conflict in online discussion about vaccination”

To follow on ZOOM please contact


International Society for the History of the Neurosciences

26th Meeting of the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences, Rome (Italy) June 14-18, 2022

Il 26° Meeting della Società Internazionale per la Storia delle Neuroscienze (ISHN) si terrà a Roma (Italia) dal 14 al 18 giugno 2022.

Il convegno è organizzato dal Museo di Storia della Medicina, Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare, Sapienza Università di Roma in collaborazione con il Polo Museale e i Dipartimenti di Psicologia, Neuroscienze Umane e Scienze Odontostomatologiche e Maxillo-Facciali di Sapienza e in collaborazione con la Società Italiana di Scienze Umane in Medicina (SISUMed), Associazione Culturale Ospedali Storici Italiani (ACOSI) e Gruppo di Storia della Neurologia della Società Italiana di Neurologia (SIN-GSN)

La conferenza si svolgerà presso l’Università La Sapienza di Roma, l’Orto Botanico di Roma e l’Ospedale Santo Spirito in Sassia.

La conferenza sarà in presenza e trasmessa online, previa iscrizione.

Quote di registrazione scontate fino al 15 maggio 2022.

Programma preliminare scaricabile qui

Registrazione qui

ISHN Website:
Conference Twitter: @26thIshn
Referente scientifico: Elisabetta Sirgiovanni (Sapienza)

The 26th Meeting of the International Society for the History of Neurosciences (ISHN) will be held in Rome (Italy) on June 14-18, 2022.

The conference is organized by the Museum of the History of Medicine, Department of Molecular Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome in collaboration with the Museum Pole and the Sapienza Departments of Psychology, Human Neurosciences and Oral and Maxillo-Facial Sciences and in partnership with the Italian Society for Medical Humanities (SISUMed), Cultural Association for Italian Historical Hospitals (ACOSI), and Group for the History of Neurology of the Italian Society of Neurology (SIN-GSN).
The conference will take place at Sapienza University of Rome, Botanical Garden in Rome, and the Santo Spirito in Sassia Hospital.
The conference can be joined in-person and online upon registration.
Discounted fees are applicable until May 15, 2022.
A preliminary program is downloadable here

Link to registration here

ISHN Website:
Conference Twitter: @26thIshn
Local Chair: Elisabetta Sirgiovanni (Sapienza)

Gesture, Abstraction and Embodied Simulation in Poetic Language

When: Mar 18, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Who: Víctor Bermúdez, Postdoctoral Research, Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, University of Salamanca.

What: Gesture, Abstraction and Embodied Simulation in Poetic Language: Chantal Maillard.


Meeting ID: 811 6830 0180

Password: 665734

First International Parma Webinar Women in Neuroscience: The Sense of Touch

When? 30th September – 1st October 

Where? Online 

Attendance at the workshop is free but space is limited. Please register in advance if you want to attend, following the link:

Home (

For more information about the program:

About the Workshop (


Cognitive Futures in the Arts and Humanities 2021

When? 23rd – 26th September (3- 6 pm)

Where? MS Teams

Please, register to be put on the guest list of the event. 

For more information about the conference:

Program – Cognitive Futures in the Arts and the Humanities 2019 (


There is no conference fee, but you will only be able to enter if you are on the guest list.

If you have any technical queries concerning this, please, write to Pascal Nicklas (

Data Science Colloquium offered by the Case Western Reserve University

The Data Science Colloquium is a project of the Data Science Across the College initiative, organized by the Department of Cognitive Science of the Case Western Reserve University , directed by Timothy Beal and Mark Turner and supported by President (now Emerita) Barbara Snyder, to build on strengths and potentials across many fields, including the arts and humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and natural and mathematical sciences, to elevate data science and machine learning as a college-wide focus for research, scholarship, and curriculum development.


The Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 colloquium series is run in conjunction with h.lab and takes place on occasional Wednesdays, 3-4pm Eastern Time.


Next date: 14.04.2021 


For the invitation link:


For more information:

Summer School “Pathos. Forms and fortunes of literary emotions”, taking place on August 27-30th, 2019 in the amazing setting of Monopoli, Italy.

Plenary talks by Karin Kukkonen, Françoise Lavocat and Paolo Giovannetti.

We will work on emotions in different literary traditions through various perspectives and methods. Some of the topics and authors covered are: Elena Ferrante, Elsa Morante, sentimentalism, cognitive narratology, fact/fiction, and digital literary studies.

The Summer School is open to anybody interested in the topic, with credits available for graduate students.


Here is the full program:

Registration is open until June, 30th


The Neuro Humanities Studies Network aims at creating a multidisciplinary research community in order to develop and structure a linking platform for neuro-scientific, cognitive topics and humanities.

Click on each keyword to show papers related with it.

Research Network

Click on each point to show researchers involved. For more information about our research network, please check the Members section in the menu bar.